The Golden Age Green Lantern

From Golden Age Green Lantern #36
Issue Cover Appearance? Comment Reprinted In
All-Star Comics #2 Yes (no title) -vs. Baron von Zorn, A Nazi scientist Flashback #13
All-American #16 Yes (no title) - First Appearance and origin The Great Comics Book Heroes, Secret Origins of DC Super-Heroes, Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1,  Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years
All-American #17 Yes (no title) - foils the graft operations of Metropolis engineering firm and a crooked building commissioner Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #18 Yes (no title) - visits the World's Fair in New York City, meets Irene Miller (first appearance) and clears her brothers name, Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #19 Yes (no title) - busts up a crooked gambling den and it's scam of getting indebted gamblers to fill out insurance forms with den owner Slade as beneficiary and they killing them in "accidents" Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #20 Yes (no title) - Alan Scott begins work at Apex Studios, 2nd appearance Irene Miller, exposes Gates, asst. manager of Apex as a crook Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #21 Yes (no title) - captures Elias Strake as he attempts to scam old couple with a phony missing "son", turns out the son really is the missing son Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #22 Yes (no title) - captures crook who uses kidnapping and extortion to "fix" fight Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #23 Yes (no title) - vs. Frankie Fowler, a blackmailer Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #24 Yes (no title) - Karns and Lupo run a slave racket Flashback #30, Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #25 Yes (no title) - prevents steel mill sabotage, vs. Harkis Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #26 Yes (no title) - vs. Turpin, a Loan Shark Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #27 Yes (no title) - I:Doiby Dickles, Doiby Dickles aids Green Lantern in thwarting Barton and his gang from disrupting a new installation for Apex, Doiby becomes GL's man-friday Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #28 Yes (no title) - vs. The Spider, a crook who coerces disenfranchised heirs to drug wealthy relatives into re-writing wills and then murders them  Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #29 Yes (no title) - breaks up racketeer Mitch Hogan and Mortimer Pestle's drug counterfeiting ring Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #30 Yes (no title) - breaks up ring of crooked bondsmen Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
All-American #31 Yes (no title) - thwarts child-labor scam at orphanage Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
All-American #32 Yes (no title) - breaks up Gardenia Greene's protection racket Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
All-American #33 Yes (no title) - vs. Pug Deagan and a taxicab union racket Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
All-American #34 Yes (no title) - breaks up graft operation in the mayor's office of Capitol City Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
All-American #35 Yes (no title) - Doiby learns GL's identity when GL is captured by crooks swindling a local union Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
All-American #36 Yes (no title) - thwarts saboteurs poisoning the test drives a defense contractors motor division Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
All-American #37 Yes (no title) - defeats Fifth Column saboteur ring that uses hypnotism to help in their crimes and rescues captive scientists Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
All-American #38 Yes (no title) - defeats Nick Bonaparte, a criminal patterning himself after Napoleon. Middle name revealed as Wellington in this story Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
All-American #39 Yes "The Mystery of the Theatre of Fear" - thwarts Forbes, a man using radio theatre as a front for crime  
All-American #40 Yes "The Circle of Kafoon" - rescues Doiby from Kafoonistani priests  
All-American #41 Yes "The Tribe of Terror" - thwarts racketeers fleecing Indian tribe to get access to a mercury mine   
All-American #42 Yes "Green Lantern, Our New Police Chief", cleans up town where gangsters are murdering every new police chief  
All-American #43 Yes (no title), captures Jenkins after he sabotages a tunnel  
All-American #44 Yes "The Perfect Crime", captures a crooked radio announcer who attempts to frame Green Lantern  
All-American #45 Yes "The Headstrong Heiress", rescues heiress, Doiby in costume  
All-American #46 Yes "The Riddle of Dickles Manor", GL and Doiby solve murder at family estate  
All-American #47 Yes "The Disappearing Damsel", rescues princess  
All-American #48 Yes "The League of the Three-Eyed Men" - breaks up the League of Three-Eyed Men, a group of traitors and Axis agents  
All-American #49 Yes "Goitrude" - the origin of Dickles' cab  
All-American #50 Yes "Deep in the Heart of Crime" - prevents sabotage of movie in the West, vs. Silas Bayre and Blackie Trap   
All-American #51 Yes "Murder under the Stars!" - captures crook murdering heirs to increase his share of the inheritance, Alan Scott revealed to be a Libra here  
All-American #52 Yes "The Spotlight on Crime"-  vs. The Silhouette  
All-American #53 Yes "The Mail Goes Through" - helps man redeem himself to his family  
All-American #54 Yes "Crime is an Art" - captures gang holed up in a art museum  
All-American #55 Yes "The Riddle of the Runaway Trolley" - stops trolley's joy ride  
All-American #56 Yes "The Reforming of Elegant Esmond" - helps safecracker reform and get defense job  
All-American #57 Yes "The Mystery of the Melancholy Men" - captures Axis agents  
All-American #58 Yes "Mystery of Marvelous Mervyn" - vs 10 year old musician/millionare  
All-American #59 Yes "The Man Who Couldn't Tell the Truth" - compulsive liar helps GL catch Quinine thieves  
All-American #60 Yes "The Desperate Dilemma of Dippy Drake" - meets Dippy Drake, a pick pocket  
All-American #61 Yes "Fighters Never Quit" - I: Solomon Grundy, vs. Solomon Grundy Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Super-Villians #4
All-American #62 Yes "Da Distrik Attorney" - Criminals convene in Petunia  
All-American #63 Yes "The Garrulous Mr. Gab" - an advice columnists at WXYZ falls afoul of criminals  
All-American #64 Yes "A Bag of Assorted Nuts" - vs. Mazda, a crook who's afraid of the dark  
All-American #65 Yes "The Man Who Lost Wednesday" - vs. John Square and his gang  
All-American #66 Yes "The Soles of Manhattan" - magic shoes grant very literal wishes to four people  
All-American #67 Yes "Death Unavoidably Detained" - vs gangster King Shark (ghost?)  
All-American #68 Yes "Napoleon and Joe Safeen" - rescues mental giant being exploited for crime   
All-American #69 Yes "Backwards Man!" - vs. the Backwards Man (John Able)  
All-American #70 Yes "Love at First Blight!" - I: Cooley the Leprechaun, vs. Cooley the Leprechuan  
All-American #71 Yes "The Human Bomb" -experimental psychiatrists experiment on Doiby  
All-American #72 Yes "Rumors of the Round Table" - Camelot, Sir Tarquin  
All-American #73 Yes "Mountain Music Mayhem" - meets Hatfields and McCoys  
All-American #74 Yes "The Slap Happy Shoes" - vs Cooley the Leprechaun  
All-American #75 Yes "The Man Who Heard Too Much" - vs. "Three Ears" Lobe, a hijacker  
All-American #76 Yes "Spring Time for Doiby" - vs. Ray and Enoch Moore  
All-American #77 No "The Case of the Curious Critters" - rescues naturalists in Tanganyika  
All-American #78 Yes "The Giggling Gangsters" - vs. Crusher Crane and Family  
All-American #79 No "The Last Answer" - museum curator John Sanderon find a prophetic scroll  
All-American #80 Yes "Long-Eared Larceny" - vs. crooks disguised as rabbits  
All-American #81 Yes "Two-Twisted Twerps" - reforms Skunky and Le Bon  
All-American #82 Yes "The Beloved Bandit" - Cleve Klang uses a love magnet to everyone adore him despite crimes  
All-American #83 No "The Power of the Primitive" - helps out college jock reverted to cave man  
All-American #84 Yes "The Adventure of the Man with Two Faces"  
All-American #85 Yes "The Rise and Fall of Crusher Crock", - I:Crusher Crock (Later Sportsmaster)  
All-American #86 Yes "The Crime of the Month Club" - Birthstone thieves  
All-American #87 Yes "The Strange Case of Professor Nobody" - gangster Gunner Garr targets a forgetful professor  
All-American #88 Yes "Canvas of Crime"- GL wanted for murder  
All-American #89 Yes "The Harlequin" - I:The Harlequin (Molly Mayne, later Molly Mayne Scott) World's Finest #211
All-American #90 Yes I:The Icicle, vs. the Icicle  
All-American #91 Yes "Wedding of the Harlequin" - vs the Harlequin  
All-American #92 Yes "The Icicle goes South", vs. the Icicle Green Lantern #86, The Greatest Golden Age Stories Ever Told
All-American #93 Yes "The Double Crossing Decoy", vs. The Harlequin  
All-American #94 Yes "Partners in Peril", vs. The Harlequin  
All-American #95 Yes "The Unmasking of the Harlequin", vs. The Harlequin  
All-American #96 Yes "Solve the Mystery of the Emerald Necklaces"  
All-American #97 Yes "The County Fair Crimes"  
All-American #98 Yes "The End of Sports", vs. The Sportsmaster Detective #443
All-American #99 Yes "Nest of Terror", locates loot for a 50 year old robber with the help of Streak the Wonder Dog  
All-American #100 No "Gotham's Golden Jubilee", vs. Knodar  
All-American #101 No "Crimes from a Cardboard Box", vs. Homer Barnes, a games designer and criminal genius  
All-American #102 No "The Convention Crooks", vs Merry Moon and gang  
Big All-American #1 Yes "Heroes Are Born Not Made" -  thwarts crime in Baxton, vs. Medusa DC Rarities Archives #1
Comic Cavalcade #1 Yes "The Adventures of Luckless Lenore" - rescues spoiled heiress from unscrupulous uncle Comic Cavalcade Archives #1
Comic Cavalcade #2 Yes "Handsome John Riley" - helps detective turned actor solve case Comic Cavalcade Archives #1
Comic Cavalcade #3 Yes "The Bushmaster" - vs. TheBushmaster, a Nazi agent Comic Cavalcade Archives #1
Comic Cavalcade #4 Yes "Have You Read Any Good Books Lately?" - solves crimes based on book  
Comic Cavalcade #5 Yes "Hold On To Your Hat" - vs. Mme Modiste and her gang  
Comic Cavalcade #6 Yes "They Are Invincible" - Reporter tries to prove that GL is invincible Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years
Comic Cavalcade #7 Yes "The Fantastic Fate of the Fraternity Felons" - breaks up fraternity of crooks  
Comic Cavalcade #8 Yes "Is the Kid a Killer?", Kit Cody, child cowboy, used in robberies  
Comic Cavalcade #9 Yes "A Tale of a City" - Xmas story, vs. Mr. Rogue, very overt anti-racist, pro-tolerance message   
Comic Cavalcade #10 Yes "The Man with the Missing Memory" - captures Professor Memory and the Chick Gang  
Comic Cavalcade #11 Yes "Two Characters in Search of a Brain", gangsters swindle other crooks for their "brain's" cut - when in fact the "brain" doesn't exist  
Comic Cavalcade #12 Yes "A Race Against Time" - rescues dog who is heir to the fortune of an eccentric millionaire  
Comic Cavalcade #13 Yes "And Then There Was One" - vs. Solomon Grundy, Tibetan Lama appears  
Comic Cavalcade #14 Yes "Mayhem Comes to Town" - thwarts duel between rival game hunters  
Comic Cavalcade #15 Yes "The Human Key" - helps compulsive lockpick go straight  
Comic Cavalcade #16 Yes "The Headstrong Heads" - defeats race of schizoid two-headed aliens  
Comic Cavalcade #17 Yes "Da Social Lion" - An error in the social registry accidentally elevates Doiby's status  
Comic Cavalcade #18 Yes "The Meaning of "D" - jeweler is hypnotized to steal something that begins with "D" but isn't sure what  
Comic Cavalcade #19 Yes "Grin and Bear It" - Both GL and Doiby try to contain their tempers for a bet  
Comic Cavalcade #20 Yes "The Man Who Was First" - vs.  a crook who only steals originals  
Comic Cavalcade #21 Yes "The Man Who Couldn't Fail" - captures Ira Selby, a man turned to crime when a university neglects his genius  
Comic Cavalcade #22 Yes "Crimes in Duplicate" - vs. Johnny Mimic, recreating old crimes  
Comic Cavalcade #23 Yes "If Guns Could Talk", clears Doiby of murder  
Comic Cavalcade #24 Yes "The Case of the Withered Flower", vs. Solomon Grundy  
Comic Cavalcade #25 Yes "The Roof of the World" - vs. Sky-Pirate at Mount Everest  
Comic Cavalcade #26 Yes "Forecast: Danger", helps meterologist convince his grandson that meteorology is not so bad a profession  
Comic Cavalcade #27 Yes "The April Fools Day Crimes" - vs. The Fool  
Comic Cavalcade #28 Yes "The Treasure of Plateau City"  
Comic Cavalcade #29 Yes "Situation Wanted"  
Green Lantern #1 Yes vs. The Master of Light, "Arson in the Slums" Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #1
Green Lantern #2 Yes "Tycoon's Legacy"- vs. Baldy Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
Green Lantern #3 Yes "The Living Grave Yard of the Sea" - battles Nazis in the Sargasso Sea Golden Age Green Lantern Archives #2
Green Lantern #4 Yes "Green Lantern and Doiby join the Army"- I: Captain Kortz, vs. Captain Kortz and Nazis  
Green Lantern #5 Yes "Legion of the Lantern"- vs. Captain Kortz  
Green Lantern #6 Yes "Empire of Exiles"- vs. Nardo and the Hordes of War  
Green Lantern #7 Yes "The Wizard of Odds" - vs. Raakj  
Green Lantern #8 Yes "The Lady and her Jewels"  
Green Lantern #9 Yes "The School for Vandals" - vs. The Whistler  
Green Lantern #10 Yes "The Man Who Wanted the World"- I:Vandal Savage, vs. Vandal Savage  
Green Lantern #11 Yes "The Dastardly Designs of Doiby Dickles' Pals"  
Green Lantern #12 Yes "The Gambler" - I: The Gambler, vs. the Gambler  
Green Lantern #13 Yes    
Green Lantern #14 Yes "Case of the Crooked Cook" - defeats Lisper and criminal domestics, "The Smile That Wins" -Green Lantern smiles to alleviate stomach pain, "The Cave Kid Goes to Town" - takes in long-lost heir  
Green Lantern #15 Yes "The Thoughts That Came to Life", vs. Albert Zero  
Green Lantern #16 Yes "The Man in the Moon", "The Lizard of Fire" - vs. The Lizard  
Green Lantern #17 Yes Kid Triangle, "Reward for the Green Lantern"  
Green Lantern #18 Yes "The Man Who Doubled In Death" - vs. Johnny Double  
Green Lantern #19 Yes vs. the Harpies  
Green Lantern #20 Yes "Shadows of the Past" - helps former thief clear name, "untitled" - Alan Scott become manager of WXYZ, "The Gambler Comes Back"- vs. the Gambler  
Green Lantern #21 Yes "The Woodman" - protects Mr. Twigg and his house, "The Good Humor Man" - meets Valentine Sweetheart who never gets angry, "What Makes Goitrude Go?" - accidentally supercharges Doiby's cab  
Green Lantern #22 Yes "The Old-Fashioned Way" - vs. Dan Crocker, "The Man Who Insults Everybody" - protects Joe Smithers from his own bad behavior, "The Invisible World" - GL is shrunk and saves microscopic people (the Microns) from Mossboles  
Green Lantern #23 Yes "Doiby Dickles the Stunt Man" - thwarts plot to recover stolen gold at movie set, "The Man Who Went Back" - helps convince a WXYZ stock holder that progress is not all bad, "Long Live Da King" - restore order in the small kingdom of Royalia  
Green Lantern #24 Yes "Once A Cop" - helps retired cop do one more case. "Happy Birthday" - A Goitrude story, "Indestructible Jones" - GL encounters a bum with a gift for not getting killed  
Green Lantern #25 Yes "The Diamond Magnet" - heals a kleptomaniac who attracts diamonds, "The Man Who Couldn't Win" - crooks exploit guy who can't win in crime, "The Man Behind the Mask" -I:The Fop, vs. The Fop   
Green Lantern #26 Yes "The Scourge of the Sea" - a crooked whaling magnate builds a fake sea monster to intimidate competition, "The Flood Maker" - I:Dr. Aqua, vs. Dr. Aqua, "The Song That Spelled Out Disaster"  
Green Lantern #27 Yes "The Freedom of the Skies" -I:The Sky-Pirate, vs. the Sky-Pirate, "The Lamb Who Cried Wolf", "The Gambler Bets His Life" - vs. the Gambler  
Green Lantern #28 Yes "The Fool Comes to Town" - I:The Fool, vs. The Fool, "The Tricks of the Sportsmaster" - The Sportsmaster, "The Last Criminal On Earth" - I:Knodar, vs. Knodar  
Green Lantern #29 Yes "The Challenge of the Harlequin" - The Harlequin appears, "The Harlequin Haunts The Green Lantern" - The Harlequin appears  
Green Lantern #30 Yes "The Sage of Streak" - I:Streak the Wonder Dog, "The Fatal Chance" - vs. The Gambler, "The Last Criminal Gets An Education"- vs. Knodar "Streak" - Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years
Green Lantern #31 Yes "The Terror of the Talismans" - The Harlequin, "The Beauty and the Fool" - vs. the Fool  
Green Lantern #32 Yes "The Case of the Astonishing Juggler" - I:The Juggler, vs. The Juggler, "The Case of the Conscience Fund"- The Harlequin Appears, "The King of the Dam Builders"  
Green Lantern #33 Yes "Crime Goes West" - helps old pioneers feel useful again, "The Criminal Nobody Knew" - busts up criminal employment agency, "The Harlequin's Leap Year" - The Harlequin Appears  
Green Lantern #34 No "The Harlequin's Secret Revealed" - The Harlequin appears, " Green Lantern vs. White Star", I: White Star, vs. White Star  
Green Lantern #35 No "The Three-In-One Criminal" - vs. Gamma (3 look-alike crooks), "Perfect Crimes for Sale" - The Gambler  
Green Lantern #36 No "The Riddle of Red Domino" - I: Red Domino, vs. Red Domino. "Timbleland Trails"  
Green Lantern #37 Yes "Perils of the Trapper", "Too Many Suspects" - vs. Del Lupin Detective #440
Green Lantern #38 No "The Murdered Clues", "The Impossible Mr. Paradox", Mr. Paradox Green Lantern #89

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